The Science Behind Walking Treadmills


Many people are wondering if can you lose weight walking on a treadmill. Well yes, but not only that, as it also improves your cardiovascular health. Cardiovascular health plays a pivotal role in the overall well-being of a person, and with regular exercise, a person can maintain a healthy heart. Walking treadmills have become one of the most popular and convenient means to improve cardiovascular health by offering a way to easily engage in low-impact aerobic exercise.

How Does Walking Treadmills Improve Cardiovascular Health?

This article will dive into the science behind walking treadmills and try to explain how these devices contribute to the improvement of a person’s cardiovascular health.

Target Heart Rate and Intensity

To get the maximum cardiovascular benefits from walking treadmills, it is important to target the appropriate heart rate zone in between your exercise. Usually, the target heart rate zone is between 50% to 85% of an individual’s maximum heart rate, and staying within this range ensures that the heart is effectively working without being overly strained. Walking on a treadmill allows users to easily adjust the speed and incline which makes it easier to control the target heart rate for an extended period.

Improve Heart Health

Walking on a treadmill engages those large muscles in your legs, requiring the heart to pump more blood into these areas. This increased demand from the heart strengthens its muscles over time, which makes pumping blood throughout the body more efficient. As the heart becomes stronger, it will be able to pump more blood with each beat leading to a lower resting heart rate and a reduced strain on the cardiovascular system during each workout session.

Lowering Blood Pressure

Consistent aerobic exercise like walking on a treadmill has been proven to reduce blood pressure levels. It is due to the fact that as the heart becomes more efficient, it is able to pump blood with a lesser force which leads to a decrease in the force that it exerts against the walls of the arteries. This results in the lowering of blood pressure and reducing the risk of hypertension.

Managing Cholesterol Levels

Walking treadmills can have a positive impact on cholesterol levels as it helps maintain the balance between high-density lipoprotein and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. The HDL cholesterol which is considered to be good cholesterol helps remove the LDL cholesterol from the arteries, preventing plaque buildup.

Enhanced Circulation

Walking on a treadmill also stimulates blood flow and circulation throughout a person’s body. Improved circulation ensures that oxygen and other nutrients are efficiently delivered to different organs and tissues which supports their own optimal functions. In addition, enhanced circulation aids in the removal of waste products and toxins from the body which contributes to the overall health of a person.

Stress Reduction

Regular aerobic exercise, including walking on a treadmill promotes the release of endorphins which are considered to be natural mood enhancers. The release of endorphins during exercise helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, all of which are proven to have a positive impact on cardiovascular health.


The science behind walking treadmills highlights their effectiveness in improving a person’s cardiovascular health. Regular aerobic exercise on a treadmill can improve heart health, lower blood pressure, manages cholesterol levels, and enhances circulation. In addition, walking treadmills also provide a convenient and accessible option for many individuals that are wanting to engage in low-impact aerobic exercises.


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